Microsoft Help

Poza publicata in [ Computer ]

A man was flying his private airplane into New York City. However, the day was foggy and the air was smoggy, and he couldnt make out any landmarks. He became worried, as hed need to find a specific airfield in order to land his plane. As a New Yorker, he knew where it was in relation to other buildings, but as he couldnt see any other buildings through the fog, that was a moot point.Suddenly, a patch of fog cleared for a minute, and the man saw another man standing on what was obviously the roof of a very tall building. Hello, said the man in the airplane, can you tell me about where I am?The man on the building looked at him and said, Youre in an airplane.Thank you! called the man as he sped off in the right direction. He now knew exactly where he was. Directly over the Microsoft building.

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