A college student
A college student is home for the summer from college, and is looking for ajob. He goes to K-Mart, and fills out an application. A few days later, themanager calls him and asks him to come in for an interview, which the studentdoes. When the student arrives, the manager sits him down and says Well sondo you think you have what it takes to work at The Big K? The studentthinks to himself, is this guy fucking nuts?, but nods his head and saysyes. The manager says ok, and tells the student he must get a lesson first onhow to deal with customers. They go to a cash register, and the managertells the student to watch him and learn what to do. The student agrees andafter a few minutes a customer comes to the counter, and throws down a bag ofGrass Seeds. The manager looks at the bag, and says Say, would you like alawnmower to cut that grass when it grows? The customer thinks for a secondand says yeah, why the hell not. The manager looks at the student and say Son, do u think u can do that? The student again thinks to himself Isthis guy fucking nuts?, but nods says and says he does. A few minuteslater, another customer comes to the register to get checked out, and the manager tells the student to try it. The student agrees, while the customer throws a pack of tampons up on the counter. The student looks that thetampons and says Sir, would u happen to be interested in buying one of our grasscutters, they are on sale in aisle 8? The customer looks at the student and says Why the hell would I want to buy a grasscutter? Thestudent looks at him and says well I just figured since u wouldnt be getting any pussy this weekend, that u might wanna cut your grass instead!
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