Take a dump
Did you know that it is against the law to take a dump in another persons toilet in Kentucky?
Did you know that it is against the law to take a dump in another persons toilet in Kentucky?
one day on the high way a car starts swerving out of nowhere going back and forth and so on and someone calls the police on their cell phone. the police officer meets up with the car and a blonde rolls down the window and saysoh officer thank god youre here there was a tree in the middle of the road and then another and i had to swerve to keep from hitting it and the officer stares briefly at the blonde then saysmaam thats youre air freshener.
there was a guy who was in a 20 mph zone and he was going very fast so he got pulled over and the officer said do u know how fast you were going? duh! i was going 20 mph every one else was just going very slow.