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The couple are merrily banging away, going ten to the dozen then she hears
the sound of a car door slam shut.
Oh shit cries out the woman, Its my husband coming home early.
The man mutters Holy Shit under his breath, panicking about his
Quickly the woman replies as she gathers up his clothes. Take these and hide
in the closet until the coast is clear.
He picks up the offered garments and steals away to the large closet. He closes
the door and crouches down.
After a while he gets the sneaking feeling that hes not entirly alone.
Dark in here, isnt it. The young boys voice confirms it. The womans son must
have been hiding here during the whole sordid act.
Holy Shit the man mutters again. Listen sonny. If I give you ten pounds
will you keep all this to yourself and not tell anyone.
The young lad thinks for a minute before saying Tell you what, make it a fiver
and youve got a deal. (Evidentally the lads state education wasnt totally
The man hunts around for his wallet and pulls out some money, using the light
beaming through the keyhole to deduce its demonination. The boy quickly takes
the money and tells the man that his secret is safe. He breaths a sigh of
relief and eventually manages to escape.
The next day at breakfast the young lad pulls out the fiver from his pocket and
starts to work out what he can buy with it.
Whats that? his father demands. A five pound note? Where did you get it
from? Did you steal it?
No. I earned it the boy wails.
A likely story. You stole it didnt you?
The father rises from his chair and removes the money from the boys hands.
Go to confession this instant and pray for your forgivness, you thief.
The boy relucantly trudges off to the local Church, walks in and walks up to
the confessional. Once at the door he pushes it open and finding it vacant, he
walks in, closes the door and sits down.
Oh, dark in here isnt it the boy whispers.
A voice from the other side calls out : Holy Shit, not you again