Poze din categoria ‘Insults’ Category

Glass Wall

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Your so dumb, you climbed over a glass wall to see what was on the other side.

Bad breath

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Your breath stinks so bad people look forward to your farts.


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Does your face hurt? Well, its killing me!

Youre so ugly…

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If I had a dog as ugly as you, I would shave its butt and teach it to walk backwards.

Nigger – apple

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What does a nigger and an apple have in common?

You can find them both hanging from a tree in Mississippi.

Youre so fat…

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Youre so fat, the last time you saw 90210 was on the scale.

Dirty house

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Your house is so dusty the roaches ride around in dune buggies.

Roast beef sandwich

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Youre so ugly your mom has to tie a roast beef sandwich around your neck to get the dog to play with you.

Pants at birth…

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John: Were you wearing pants when you were born?

Joe: I think so. Why do you ask?

John: It would explain why the first thing people see when they look at you is an asshole!

Happy Meal

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Youre so poor that you put a Happy Meal from McDonalds on Lay-A-way.