Very Poor
Youre so poor I went to your house and asked where the bathroom was and you said, 4th bottle to the left.
Youre so poor I went to your house and asked where the bathroom was and you said, 4th bottle to the left.
Why do fat people hate rolls?
Because they see enough everday when they look in the mirror!
All you want for Christmas is a hairline!
Why dont you slip into something comfortable. . .like a coma.
Hey, what are you going to do for a face when the baboon wants its ass back!
Youre so old that you fart dust.
Yo mama is so fat that she uses the VCR as a beeper.
Youre so ugly that when your mama dropped you off at school, she was arrested for littering!
Youre so ugly that when you were born, the doctor slapped your mom.
Your brain is so small that if they put it on the edge of a razor blade, it would look like a BB rolling down an eight lane highway.