Miscellaneous yo mama joke
Yo mama mouth so big, she speaks in surround sound.
Yo mama mouth so big, she speaks in surround sound.
Yo mama in a wheelchair and says, You aint gonna puch me round no more.
Yo mamas so hairy…
– Yo mamas so hairy, they filmed Gorillas in the Mist in her shower.
– Yo mamas so hairy, Bigfoot took a picture of her.
– Yo mamas so hairy, her armpits look like she has Don King in a head lock.
– Yo mamas so hairy, she looks like a Chia pet with a sweater on.
– Yo mamas so hairy, she has afros on her nipples.
– Yo mamas so hairy, you almost died of rug burn at birth.
– Yo mamas so hairy, she shaves with a weedwacker.
– Yo mamas so hairy, she got a trim and lost 10 pounds.
– Yo mamas so hairy, when she spreads her legs ,the first thing that comes to my mind is Were going to Bush Gardens.
Yo mama is so stupid she thought PMS was a telephone company.
Yo mama so ugly she could scare Osama Bin Laden out of hiding.
Yo mamas breath is so bad that when she breathes, her teeth duck out of the way.
Yo mama so lazy she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.
Yo mama so ugly she had to trick or treat on the phone.
yo mommas so fat that when she was born she made the Grand Canyon
Yo mama so stupid she cant tell the diffrence between shampoo and Shamu!