Two drunks
Two drunks are driving down the road drinking beer. All of a sudden they see a police car lights flashing in the rear view mirror. What are we going to do? asks the drunk passenger.
Dont worry, I know what to do. Peel the label off your bottle and stick it to your forehead. Let me do all the talking.
They pull over and the cop gets out. May I see your license and your registration? he asks. The guy gives him his license. Have you been drinking? No officer. We havent.
Well, you were weaving back and forth. Are you sure you havent had anything to drink? The officer asked.
I swear officer. I havent had a sip.
Well, why do you have beer labels on your foreheads?
The man answers, These arent labels. We are alcoholics, and were on the patch.
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