Archive for June, 2019

Q: How many politicians

Poza publicata in [ Lightbulb ]

Q: How many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Two. One to change it, and another one to change it back again.

Entra un mdico a la

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Entra un médico a la habitación del paciente y le dice a sus familiares:

Por favor, salgan de la habitación porque le vamos a introducir un supositorio al paciente.

Como a los 5 minutos sale el doctor, y uno de sus familiares le pregunta:

¿Está todo bien?

Pues sí.

¿Y ese supositorio que tiene usted en la oreja?

¡Ay, el lapicero!

En el saln de Pepito

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

En el salón de Pepito realizaron un experimento tras el cual tenían que exponer ellos sus conclusiones. Se dispuso que cuatro lombrices solitarias fueran colocadas de la siguiente manera:

La primer lombriz en un frasco con alcohol.

La segunda lombriz en un frasco con humo de cigarrillo.

La tercer lombriz en un frasco con esperma.

La cuarta lombriz en un frasco con tierra fértil.

Después de transcurrido un día, éstos fueron los resultados:

La primer lombriz: Muerta.

La segunda lombriz: Muerta.

La tercera lombriz: Muerta.

La cuarta lombriz: Viva.

Cuando la maestra les preguntó a qué conclusiones habían llegado, Pepito levanta la mano y responde:

Yo llego a la conclusión que mientras tomes, fumes y tengas sexo… ¡No tendrás lombrices!

Pepito estaba sentado muy nervioso

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Pepito estaba sentado muy nervioso frente a la maestra. Comenzaba a escribir y se le caía el lápiz de la mano; se agachaba para recogerlo; luego se sentaba en la orilla de su asiento; miraba para abajo y para el frente; cerraba los ojos y luego los abría como si fueran a salírsele.

La profesora, que lo había estado observando, le ordena:

Pepito, por favor, siéntate derecho.

¡Pues usted tampoco se mueva tanto, profesora!

Cierto da, un campesino de

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Cierto día, un campesino de 14 años, en la flor de la adolescencia, le dice a su padre:

Oye pape, tu sabe que yo ya tengo mis pelos y bueno… tengo que probar la lanza poh…

Y el padre le dice:

Mira mejo, yo te huá pasarte la plata para que vayas a la casa de la Rosa (Casa de Remolienda muy conocida por todos en la zona).

LLega el muchacho allá y toca la puerta, lo sale a atender la Rosa, el le dice:

Sabe que yo, bueno, yo vengo a utilizar el servicio poh oiga.

Y la Rosa le pregunta: ¿Tienes experiencia?

No pero…

Mira, te doy un consejo, le dice la Rosa, ándate al bosque y a cada árbol que le veas un hoyo, clávale el instrumento y después de un tiempo vuelves.

Parte raudo el huaso y cada árbol con hoyo, árbol embarazado.

Después de un mes vuelve el huaso a la casa de la Rosa, con una tabla bajo el brazo, y le dice: ya volvï ya pueh…

Débora, ya ven y atiende al joven.

Entran a la habitación y Débora se coloca en posición de mesita de centro y el huasito saca su tabla y le manda un costalazo en pleno orto.

La Débora se da vuelta y le pregunta: ¿Que estaí haciendo hueón?

¡Estoy viendo que no tenga abejas poh…!

Failing Math

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

A ten year old boy was failing math. His parents tried everything from tutors to hypnosis, but to no avail. Finally, at the insistence of a family friend, they decided to enroll their son in a private Catholic school.

After the first day, the boys parents were surprised when he walked in after school with a stern, focused and very determined expression on his face, and went right past them straight to his room, where he quietly closed the door.

For nearly two hours he toiled away in his room – with math books strewn about his desk and the surrounding floor. He emerged long enough to eat, and after quickly cleaning his plate, went straight back to his room, closed the door, and worked feverishly at his studies until bedtime. This pattern continued ceaselessly until it was time for the first quarter report card.

The boy walked in with his report card — unopened — laid it on the dinner table and went straight to his room. Cautiously, his mother opened it, and to her amazement, she saw a bright red A under the subject of MATH. Overjoyed, she and her husband rushed into their sons room, thrilled at his remarkable progress.

Was it the nuns that did it?, the father asked. The boy only shook his head and said, No.

Was it the one-on-one tutoring? The peer-mentoring?


The textbooks? The teachers? The curriculum?

Nope, said the son. On that first day, when I walked in the front door and saw that guy they nailed to the plus sign, I just knew they meant business!

New Dinosaur Theory?

Poza publicata in [ Animal ]

OK, lets consider the physical evidence.

The moon is moving away at a tiny, although measurable distance from the Earth every year.

Do the math and you will clearly see that 85 million years ago it was orbiting the earth at a distance of about 35 feet from the earths surface. This would explain the death of the dinosaurs; the tallest ones, anyway.

Jack Kevorkian for White House

Poza publicata in [ One Liners ]

Jack Kevorkian for White House physician.

JFK jr.

Poza publicata in [ One Liners ]

Why didnt JFK Jr take a shower before be left for the Vineyard?
He said hed wash up on shore.

Hear about Kennedy Airlines?
Their motto is Your luggage will arrive before you do!

What do Kennedys miss most about Marthas Vineyard?
The runway.

How did JFK Jr learn to fly?
Crash course.

How are the Kennedy’s like oil?
They dont mix well with water.

Why arent there more JFK Jr jokes out there?
They just havent surfaced yet.

Actual Court Sayings!

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

30 things people actually said in court


1. Q: What is your date of birth?

A: July 15th Q: What year?

A: Every year.


2. Q: What gear were you in the moment of impact?

A: Gucci sweets and Reeboks.


3. Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory

A: Yes. Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory?

A: I forget. Q: You forget. Can you give us an example of something that you have forgotten?


4. Q: How old is your son, the one living with you?

A: 38 or 35, I cant remember which. Q: How long has he lived with you?

A: 45 years


5. Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke that morning?

A: He said Where am I, Cathy? Q: And why did that upset you? A My name is Susan.


6. Q: And where was the location of the accident?

A: Approximatly milepost

499. Q: And where is milepost 499?

A: Probably between milepost 498 and



7. Q: Sir, What is your IQ?

A: Well, I can see pretty well, I think.


8. Q: Did you blow your horn or anything?

A: After the accident? Q: Before the accident.

A: Sure, I played for ten years. I even went to school for it.


9. Q: Do you know if your daughter has ever been involved in voodoo or the occult?

A: We both do. Q: Voodoo?

A: We do. Q: You do?

A: Yes, Voodoo.


10. Q: Trooper, when you stopped the defendent, were you red and blue lights flashing?

A: Yes Q: Did the defendent say anything when she got out of her car?

A: Yes sir Q: What did she say?

A: What disco am I at?


11. Q: Now doctor, isnt it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesnt know about it until the next morning?


12. Q: The youngest son, the 22 year old, how old is he?


13. Q: Were you present when your picture was taken?


14. Q: Was it you or your younger brother who was killed in the war?


15. Q: Did he kill you?


16. Q: How far apart were the vehicles at the time of collision?


17. Q: You were there until the time you left, is that true?


18. Q: How many times have you committed suicide?


19. Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?

A: Yes. Q: What were you doing at the time?


20. Q: She had three children right?

A: Yes. Q: How many were boys?

A: none. Q: Were there any girls?


21. Q: You say the stairs went down to the basement?

A: yes Q: And these stairs, did they go up also?


22. Q: Mr. Slatery, you went on a rather eleborate honeymoon, didnt you?

A: I went to Europe, Sir. Q: And you took your new wife?


23. Q: How was your first marriage terminated?

A: By death. Q: And by whose death was it terminated?


24. Q: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?

A: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.


25. Q: Can you describe the individual?

A: He was about medium height and had a beard. Q: Was this a male or female?


26. Q: Doctor how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?

A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people.


27. Q: All your responses must be oral, OK,? What school did you go to?

A: Oral


28. Q: Do you recall the time you examined the body?

A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m. Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time?

A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy.


29. Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?


30. Q:Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?

A: No. Q: Did you check for blood pressure?

A: No. Q: Did you check for breathing?

A: No. Q: So it was possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?

A: No. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor?

A: Because his brains was sitting on my desk in a jar. Q: But could the patien have still been alive nevertheless?

A: It is possible that he coulkd have been alive and practicing law somewhere.