Stress Diet (from

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

The following diet has been circulated at one of the local
clinics. Some may find it stimulating.

1/2 grapefruit
1 slice whole wheat toast
8 oz skim milk

4 oz lean Broiled chicken breast
1 cup steamed zucchini
1 Oreo Cookie
Herb tea

Rest of package of Oreos
1 qt. rocky road ice cream
1 jar hot fudge

2 loaves garlic bread
Large pepperoni & mushroom pizza
Large pitcher beer (any brand – it all comes from the same horse, anyway)
3 Milky Way bars
Entire Sara Lee cheesecake – direct from freezer.


If no one sees you eat it — it has no calories.
If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar they cancel
each other out.
When eating with someone else, calories dont count if
you both eat the same amount.
Food used for medicinal purposes NEVER counts such as:
Hot Chocolate, Brandy, Toast and Sarah Lee cheesecake.
If YOU fatten up EVERYONE ELSE around you–then YOU
look thinner.
Movie related foods dont count because they are simply
part of the entire entertainment experience and not part of
ones personal fuel, such as Milk Duds, popcorn with extra
butter, and Junior Mints.


Lawyers v. Sperm (adult)

Poza publicata in [ Lawyer ]

Q: What do lawyers and sperm have in common?

A: One in 3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

Real Programmers

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

  • Real Programmers dont eat quiche. They like Twinkies, Coke and palate scorching Szechwan food.
  • Real Programmers dont comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand and harder to modify.
  • Real Programmers dont document. Documentation is for simpletons who cant read listings or the object code from the dump.
  • Real Programmers scorn Floating Point Arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big.
  • Real Programmers programs never work right the first time. But if you throw them on the machine they can be patched into working order in only a few 30-hour debugging sessions.
  • Real Programmers dont read manuals. Reliance on a reference is the hallmark of the novice and the coward.
  • Real Programmers dont write application programs. They program right down on the bare metal. Application programming is for the dullards who cant do systems programming.
  • Real Programmers dont write in RPG. RPG is for gum-chewing dimwits who maintain ancient payroll programs.
  • Real Programmers dont write in COBOL. COBOL is for COmmon Business Oriented Laymen who cant run a business, not a real program.
  • Real Programmers dont write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for wimp engineers who wear white socks. They get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulation.
  • Real Programmers dont write in PL/I. PL/I is for insecure anal retentives who cant choose between COBOL and FORTRAN.
  • Real Programmers dont write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC after puberty.
  • Real Programmers dont write in APL unless the whole program can be written on one line.
  • Real Programmers dont write in LISP. Only faggot programs contain more parenthesis than actual code.
  • Real Programmers dont write in Pascal, BLISS, Ada or any of those other sissy computer science languages. Strong typing is a crutch for people with weak memories.
  • Real Programmers dont write specs. Users should be grateful for whateverthey get; they are lucky to get any programs at all.
  • Real Programmers dont do flowcharts. Flowcharts are, after all, the illiterates form of documentation. Cavemen drew flowcharts; look how much good it did them.
  • Real Programmers never work 9 to 5. If any Real Programmers are around at 9 AM, its because they were up all night.
  • Real Programmers never write memos on paper. They send memos via MAIL.
  • Real Programmers like vending-machine popcorn. Coders pop it in microwave ovens. Real Programmers use the heat given off by the CPU. They can tell which jobs are running just by listening to the rate of popping.
  • Real Programmers disdain structured programming. Structured programming is for compulsive neurotics who were prematurely toilet-trained. They wear neckties and carefully line up sharp pencils on an otherwise clear desk.
  • Real Programmers dont play tennis, or any other sport which requires a change of clothes. Mountain climbing is OK, and Real Programmers wear climbing boots to work in case a mountain should suddenly spring up in the middle of the machine room.
  • Real Programmers dont like the Team Programming concept. Unless, of course they are the Chief Programmer.
  • Real Programmers have no use for managers. Managers are a necessary evil. They exist only to deal with personnel bozos, bean counters, senior planners and other mental defectives.
  • Real Programmers dont drive clapped-out Mavericks. They prefer BMWs, Lincolns, or Pickup trucks with floor shifts. Fast motorcycles are highly regarded.
  • Real Programmers dont believe in schedules. Planners make up schedules. Managers firm up schedules. Frightened coders strive to meet schedules. Real Programmers ignore schedules.
  • Real Programmers know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every Real Program. Candyass architects wont allow Execute instructions to address another Execute as the target instruction. Real Programmers despise petty restrictions.
  • Real Programmers dont bring brown-bag lunches. If the vending machine sells it, they eat it. If the vending machine doesnt sell it, they dont eat it. Vending machines dont sell quiche.

El hada madrina le dice

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

El hada madrina le dice a Cenicienta:

No te olvides Ceny que apenas el reloj del palacio marque las 12 de la noche, tú tienes que salir de ahí, o en caso contrario tu vagina se volvera PAPAYA.

Sí, madrina, así lo haré.

En la hora de cena y en el momento de los postres, al príncipe le traen una tremenda papaya al jugo, y comienza a comerla con mucho entusiasmo y placer.

al ver esto, Cenicienta pregunta, ¿Te gusta la papaya, principito?

Oh sí. No sabes cuanto me gusta chupar este fruto, es lo que más me gusta. Estaria horas enteras chupando y saboreando esta rica fruta. A propósito a qué hora me dijiste que

te tenías que ir a casa.

A lo que Cenicienta respondió:

¡Como a la una… una y media… mi amor!

1) Thats not right …..

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

1) Thats not right ….. Sum Ting Wong

2) Are you harboring a fugitive?…. Hu Yu Hai Ding

3) See me ASAP….. Kum Hia Nao

4) Stupid Man …. Dum Fuk

5) Small Horse …. Tai Ni Po Ni

6) Did you go to the beach? …..Wai Yu So Tan

7) I bumped into a coffee table ….Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni

8) I think you need a face lift …..Chin Tu Fat

9) Its very dark in here …..Wao So Dim

10) I thought you were on a diet ..Wai Yu Mun Ching?

11) This is a tow away zone ….No Pah King

12) Our meeting is scheduled for next week … Wai Yu Kum Nao?

13) Staying out of sight ….Lei Ying Lo

14) Hes cleaning his automobile …Wa Shing Ka

15) Your body odor is offensive …Yu Stin Ki Pu

16) Great …Fa Kin Su Pah

Hillbilly wedding (contains sexual references)

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

The young hillbilly came home one day and told his father that he had found the girl of his dreams and intended to be married.

Shes beautiful, 16 years old, and a virgin.

The father replied, No son of mine will ever marry a girl like that! If shes not good enough for her father and brothers, … shes not good enough for you!

Blondes & OJ

Poza publicata in [ Blonde ]

Did you hear about the blonde that stared at an orange juice can for

20 minutes because it said concentrate?

Statistics for the Usenet Troll

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

Climate/Terrain: Any Usenet
Frequency: Common
Organization: Thread
Activity cycle: Any
Diet: Lusers
Intelligence: Low (3-5)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armour Class: n/a
Movement: c
Hit Dice: 100
THAC0: n/a
No. of Attacks: n/a
Damage/Attack: n/a
Special Attacks: See
Special Defences: See
Magic Resistance: 100%
Size: Exists as mental force
Morale: Elite (14)
XP Value: 1,800

The Usenet troll (Trollicus useneticus bloodyirritatingus) is an evil
mental parasite found in all areas of Usenet, where it preys upon the
brains of lusers (Homo stultissimus). Most clueful people avoid these
creatures, since Usenet trolls know no fear and attack unceasingly,
demanding responses from their prey.

Usenet trolls are immune to flames (Flammae useneticae), which is
unfortunate, as most will try to attack them with these first. In fact,
when a troll is attacked flames, it will actually be able to use these
flames to create more, which it will hurl back at its unfortunate
attacker. Long-lived trolls may be able to render an entire newsgroup
uninhabitable with all the flames it creates.

The only form of attack a troll has is its ability to incite responses,
which it needs to feed from; hence, the best way to defend yourself
against a troll is simply to ignore it. Deprived of nourishment, it will
soon starve.

Ancient legends (found in The Book of 1036) hint that a
Usenet troll may be vulnerable to the Spell of Cancellation,
but this powerful incantation would have to be applied swiftly after
the trolls birth; once engaged in battle, few survive unscathed.

By Alistair Young

Quick Honeymoon

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

The morning after their honeymoon,the wife said to her husband: Yknow, youre really a lousy lover!The husband replied, How would you know after only 30 seconds?

More Attention

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

At the marriage counselors office, the woman complained, Whats-his-name here says I dont give him enough attention.