Archive for January, 2019

Honey, I Cant Perform!

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

A newly married man was discussing his honeymoon. He says to his buddy at lunch, Last night, I rolled over, tapped my beautiful young wife on the shoulder, gave her a wink, and we had ourselves a performance! Later that night, about 2 oclock, I rolled over, gave my sweetie a nudge, and we had ourselves another performance. Well, being so newly married and not yet tired of the task, I waited quietly in bed while my beauty slept until I couldnt wait any longer. It was 4 oclock when I gave her a little nudge. She opened her blue eyes and smiled sweetly. We immediately had ourselves a rehearsal.
A rehearsal? his buddy asks, Dont you mean a performance?

No, because a rehearsal is when nobody comes.

Adult poem about overtime

Poza publicata in [ Foul Language ]

Oh Husband, Dear Husband, I tremble with fear.

Youve been on overtime almost a year,

And since you are gone, till way late at night

A good piece of ass seems way out of sight.

O Husband, Dear Husband, Please dont be a fool,

Working this overtime is wasting your tool.

For better it is, to be poor all your life,

Than to bring a soft peter home to your wife.

I used to be happy as your little queen,

But now every night youre no where to be seen

You come home from work just able to creep,

I feel like screwing, but you want to sleep.

Each evening, Dear Husband, you crawl into bed,

Your intentions are good but your peter is dead.

I play with your pecker all wrinkled and dry,

I get so damn mad, I could lay down and cry.

I have pleaded with you dear, with tears in my eyes,

Ive played with your balls, but your pecker wont rise,

So Ill find me a man who works eight hours a day,

And while youre on O.T., well proceed to make hay.

For in this whole world, there is only one sin,

For which there is no pardon, and never has been,

And that is a man whos so foolish and mean,

That he gives up his fucking to run a machine.

Getting Served at a Pub

Poza publicata in [ Bar ]

The landlord of a pub, is just locking up, when theres a ring on the doorbell. He opens the door, and theres a snail sitting there.

What do you want?

asks the landlord.

The snail replies that he wants a drink.

Go away, were closed, and we dont serve snails anyway.

The snail pleads and pleads with the barman to give it a drink, at which the landlord gets fed up, picks the snail up, throws it as far as he can, and then slams the door shut.

….. Exactly one year later, hes locking up again, and theres a ring at the doorbell. The landlord opens the door, and looks down to see a snail sitting there.

What do you want says the landlord.

What did you do that for says the snail.

Redneck quickies 17

Poza publicata in [ Redneck ]

You might be a redneck if…

You roll you hair with soup cans and wash it once a year.

Youve never paid for a haircut.

You consider a three piece suit to be: a pair of overalls, a plaid flannel shirt and thermal underwear.

There is a sheet hanging in your closet and a gun rack hanging in your truck.

You think the Mountain Men in Deliverance were just misunderstood.

Youve ever made change in the offering plate.

The fifth grade is referred to as your senior year.

You consider a good tan to be the back of of your neck and the left arm below the shirt sleeve…

You own at least 20 baseball hats.

You think a cursor is someone who swears a lot.

Saggy Tits

Poza publicata in [ Tasteless ]

A rather fat woman with a sagging figure was vacationing in Florida. She goes into a shop and buys a bikini.

The next day she comes back and wants to return the bikini top and get half her money back.

The clerk says, But you need the top too.

The woman replies, No, I dont. I can get everything into the bottom.

Estan dos invidentes frente a

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Estan dos invidentes frente a la puerta de Catedral, cantando con sus guitarras una tristísima cancion…

Se acerca un tipo elegante y bien vestido y le dice a uno de ellos: Buen hombre… le voy a dar algo para que no vuelva a cantar en su vida.

El cieguito afortunado, emite un gruñido y su compañero interpretándolo como de satisfacción, le pregunta: ¿que te dio, cabrón, que te dio?

Y el afortunado contesta, con voz apenas distinguible: ¡¡Un navajazo!!

San Pedro llama a un

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

San Pedro llama a un ángel y le dice:

Esta mañana tengo que ir a hacer un par de trámites a una nube, así que te dejo cuidando las puertas del Cielo.

El ángel, aterrado, le dice que no tiene idea de a quién tiene que dejar pasar o no, pero San Pedro lo tranquiliza:

Mira, por hoy vamos a simplificar. Aquí tienes una Biblia y un fajo de billetes de cien dólares. Dale a elegir a los que lleguen: si cogen la Biblia les dejas pasar, y si cogen un billete los mandas al Infierno. Y aquí tienes mi número de móvil por si hay algún problema.

San Pedro se va, y pasa la mañana en sus cosas, hasta que suena el teléfono. Es el ángel:

Mire, San Pedro, hasta ahora todo iba bien, pero acaba de llegar un tío que cuando le di a elegir me dijo: ¿Puedo ver un poco? Se puso a hojear la Biblia, y cada tanto decía ¡Hum, qué interesante!, y cogía un billete de cien y marcaba la página; y así hasta quedarse con la Biblia y todos los billetes. ¿Qué tengo que hacer?

Déjalo pasar, hijo, que ése es del Opus…

Un qumico, un bilogo y

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Un químico, un biólogo y un ingeniero electricista fueron condenados a muerte y estaban esperando la silla eléctrica. El químico fue llevado primero.

¿Hay algo que quieras decir? preguntó el verdugo, mientras lo sujetaba a la silla.

No, dijo el químico.

El verdugo bajó el interruptor… Y no pasó nada. De acuerdo con la ley, si una ejecución falla, el prisionero tiene que ser liberado; así que el químico fue puesto en libertad. Entonces le tocó el turno al biólogo.

¿Hay algo que quieras decir?

No, haz lo que tengas que hacer.

El verdugo bajó el interruptor… Y otra vez no pasó nada, así que el biólogo fue liberado. Entonces le tocó el turno al ingeniero.

¿Hay algo que quieras decir?, preguntó el ejecutor.

Sí. Si cambias de lugar ese cable rojo con el azul, es posible que esto funcione…

Rooster and Peanut Butter

Poza publicata in [ Foul Language ]

What do you get when you cross a rooster and peanut butter?

A cock that sticks to the roof of your mouth!


Poza publicata in [ Terms and definitions ]

A man with the ability to convince his wife that she would look
fat in mink.