Archive for October, 2019

History of the bagpipes

Poza publicata in [ Ethnic ]

Concerning bagpipes: The Irish invented them and gave them to the Scots as a joke, and the Scots havent seen the joke yet.

Coke machine

Poza publicata in [ Blonde ]

A blonde walks up to a Coke machine and puts in a coin. Out pops a coke.

The blonde looks amazed and runs away to get some more coins.

She returns and starts feeding the machine madly and, of course, the machine keeps feeding out drinks.

Another woman walks up behind the blonde and watches her antics for a few minutes before asking if someone else could have a go.

The blonde spins around and shouts in her face, Cant you see Im winning?

three wishes

Poza publicata in [ Tasteless ]

a man decided to go out fishing. while he was fishing his pole started to yank hard. so the man started wheeling in as fast and hard as he could. he saw the fish and it was pretty big.he said to himself ooo i can take this one home for dinner. then the fish sayed… if u free me i will grant u 3 wishes…BUT!…on your wishes your neighbor will have twice as much. so the man sayed ok…i wish to have a huge beautiful house.BOOM! theres a huge beautiful house house. but he sees his neighbor with two huge beautiful houses…so the man gets kinda jealous but o well. so goes on to his next wish…i wish had a nice red ferrari ok BOOM! there it is but he sees his neighbor with 2 of them! now this guy is really mad and says i wish i wish i had 1 of my testicles removed. ok ..BOOM! then he hears a big scream comming from hi s neighbor i think u get y.

Un barco estaba a punto

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Un barco estaba a punto de ser asaltado por piratas. En la cubierta, toda la tripulación se preparaba a repeler el ataque. En ese momento el capitán lanzó a su asistente personal una orden que llenó de coraje y valentía a la tripulación: ¡Tráeme la camisa roja! ¡Que todos puedan verme combatir valientemente! ¡Y si soy herido, que nadie pueda ver la sangre sobre mi camisa roja!

Llega por fin el abordaje pirata y la tripulación combate valerosamente, siguiendo el ejemplo de su capitán. El barco pirata es hundido y los bandidos sobrevivientes capturados. La tripulación felicita al capitán y todo mundo festeja como se debe hasta que, ya tarde, se van a dormir.

En la madrugada, el vigía los despierta a todos con un grito: ¡Barcos piratas nos rodean! ¡Son al menos diez!

El capitán sale a cubierta, seguido de su asistente personal. Todo el mundo espera la frase del capitán, la exhortación al combate… Y el capitán se vuelve hacia su asistente y le dice: ¡Tráeme el pantalón café!

Iba un jorobado con una

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Iba un jorobado con una borrachera del 15, calle abajo cantando la canción:

Madresita del alma querida, en mi pecho llevo una flor.

Y le grita una vecina de la ventana:

¿Y atrás que llevas? ¿La maceta?

En un parque hay dos

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

En un parque hay dos estatuas, una de un hombre desnudo y otra de una mujer también desnuda. Las estatuas han estado allí, una frente a la otra, durante mas de cien años. Un día un ángel baja del cielo. Con un simple gesto les da vida a las dos estatuas y les dice:

Como recompensa por haber sido tan pacientes durante tantos años, habiendo tenido que soportar lluvias, tempestades y veranos ardientes, les concedo vida durante media hora para que hagan lo que se les ocurra.

El hombre y la mujer se miran y al instante ambos se van corriendo detrás de unos arbustos.

El ángel espera pacientemente mirando hacia los arbustos, los cuales se mueven agitadamente, mientras se escuchan risitas y otros sonidos. A los quince minutos regresan visiblemente cansados… pero muy contentos. El ángel, conmovido, le dice:

Les concedo quince minutos más. ¿Quieren volver a repetir lo que hicieron?

¿Tu que opinas, mujer?

¡Claro… por supuesto! ¡Vamos ya, pero cambiemos de posición! Esta vez tu sujetas a la paloma firmemente… ¡y yo le cago encima!

Stomach Problems

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

A man with a bad stomach complaint goes to his local doctor and asks him what he can do. The doctor replies that the illness is quite serious but can be cured with a small course of two suppositories inserted deep up the back passage. The man agrees, and so the doctor warns him of the pain, tells him to bend over, and shoves the thing way up his behind. The doctor then hands him the second dose and tells him to do the same thing in six hours time using rubber gloves and KY-Jelly or something.

So, the man goes home and later that evening tries to get the second suppository inserted, but he finds he cannot reach himself properly to obtain the required depth. Thus, he calls his wife over and tells her what to do. The wife nods, puts one hand on his shoulder to steady him and with the other shoves the medicine home. Suddenly the man screams in disgust. Whats the matter? asked his wife. Did I hurt you?

No, replies the man, but I just realized that when the doctor did that, he had BOTH hands on my shoulders.

Cat Food Diet

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

This woman has her bridge club every Thursday night and after a peaceful game or two with the ladies, she goes home to fix her husband dinner when he gets home from work. Well, one Thursday, shes playing a great game and she has an incredible hand when she notices the time. Oh, no! I have to go fix my husband his dinner! Hes going to be so angry if its not ready on time. And she dashes out of her friends house, her great hand forgotten on the table.

When she gets home, she realizes she has very little time, not enough time to go to the supermarket, and all she has in the cupboard is a wilted lettuce leaf, an egg, and a can of cat food. In a panic, she opens the can of cat food, stirs in the egg, and garnishes it with the lettuce leaf just as her husband is pulling up. She watches in horror as he sits down to his dinner, and then she realizes he is loving it!

Mmmm, darling, this is the best dinner you have made for me in forty years of marriage. You can make this for me any old day, mmmmm! And that night they had sex for the first time in months and it was great!

Needless to say, every Thursday from then on, she made this dinner for her husband. She tells her bridge cronies about it and they are all horrified.

Youre going to kill him, they say, or Hes just yanking your chain, but she continued to make him his cat food dinner and then, afterwards, they would bonk like fiends.

Two months later, her husband died and all the bridge women the Thursday after the funeral attacked our new widow for being so callous. You killed him!

We told you that feeding him that cat food every week would do him in! How can you just sit there so calmly and play bridge knowing you murdered your husband?

The wife stoically replied, Ahh, I didnt kill him. He fell off the mantle when he was licking his ass.

Morning Poem

Poza publicata in [ Foul Language ]

I woke early one morning,

The earth lay cool and still

When suddenly a tiny bird

Perched on my window sill,

He sang a song so lovely

So carefree and so gay,

That slowly all my troubles

Began to slip away.

He sang of far off places

Of laughter and of fun,

It seemed his very trilling,

brought up the morning sun.

I stirred beneath the covers

Crept slowly out of bed,

Then gently shut the window

And crushed his fucking head.

Im not a morning person.

Never write a note or

Poza publicata in [ Business ]

Never write a note or memo if you can phone or visit instead; everyone wants to talk whenever youre ready.

Dont sit down to talk. The acoustics are better the higher you are, and remember that most people are a bit deaf so speak up louder!

Try to talk with _at least_ three people between you and your listener, so that they dont feel left out.

The very best place for a conversation is in the corridor, beside someone elses desk. If the corridor is full, try leaning against their cupboard or hanging over their screen.

Never warn people of your approach by knocking on their desk or cupboard. People love surprises, especially if theyre busy.

The best time to disturb someone is when they look thoughtful or are concentrating. Its your _duty_ to give them a break now and again.

To make sure that _you_ get regular breaks, never use a Do No Disturb sign. When other people use them theyre only joking.

Always hold meetings around a desk. If you book a conference room everyone will think youve got something to hide.

If the phone isnt answered after four rings, hang on. Someone will answer it eventually, and they might like a chat, too.

Never divert calls if youre leaving your desk. Your telephone could get into bad habits.

Try to whistle, hum or tap your fingers while you work. It is a comfort to others to know that youre still there.

If you have to design the office layout, remember to leave lots of wide-open spaces so that we can see and hear each other right across the floor.