
Poza publicata in [ Bar ]

Four guys are drinking in a bar, bragging about their sons.

My son, the first one says, started out washing cars at dealership, but now owns the dealership and just gave one of his friends four new cars of his choice!

My son, said the second, started out serving lunch in a real estate office, but now owns the real estate office and just gave one of his friends a new mansion!

My son, said the third, started out sweeping the floors at the Stock Exchange, but now practically owns the Stock Exchange and just gave one of his friends a $1,000,000 in stock.

Well, the fourth guy said, my sons turned out to be a bit of a disappointment. Hes a gay hairdresser and he has SEVERAL boyfriends. On the plus side, between them, they gave him four cars, a mansion, and a million dollars in stock for his birthday.

Signs from Kitchens

Poza publicata in [ Doctor ]

So this isnt Home Sweet Home … Adjust!

Martha Stewart doesnt live here!!

Ring bell for maid service. If no answer, do it yourself!

I clean house every other day. Today is the other day.

If you write in the dust, please dont date it!

I would cook dinner but I cant find the can opener!

My house was clean last week, too bad you missed it!

I came, I saw, I decided to order take out.

If you dont like my standards of cooking …lower your

Although youll find our house a mess, Come in, sit down,

It doesnt always look like this: Some days its even

A messy kitchen is a happy kitchen, and this kitchen is

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand!

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they
shall never cease to be amused.

Countless number of people have eaten in this kitchen and
gone on to lead normal lives.

My next house will have no kitchen … just vending

Id live life in the fast lane, but I am married to a
speed bump.

Cat and rabbit

Poza publicata in [ Doctor ]

What do you get when you breed a cat with a rabbit?

A pussy hare.

Job seeking

Poza publicata in [ Lawyer ]

A persistent job-seeker once appeared before President Lincoln and demanded an appointment to a judgeship. He was informed that there were no vacancies. The next day, while walking along the river, he saw a drowned man being pulled out, and recognized him as a federal judge.

He ran back to the White House and demanded the position.

Sorry, said the President, but the lawyer who saw that judge fall in beat you here by a good five minutes.

Todos los nios haban salido

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Todos los niños habían salido en la fotografía y la maestra estaba tratando de persuadirlos a cada uno de comprar una copia de la fotografía del grupo.

Imagínense qué bonito será cuando ya sean grandes todos y digan Allí está Catalina, es abogada, o también Ese es Miguel. Ahora es doctor.

Sonó una vocecita desde atrás del salón:

Y allí está la maestra. Ya se murió.

Seisline prayer: O Lord, grant

Poza publicata in [ Business ]

Seisline prayer: O Lord, grant that we may always be right, for thou knowest we will never change our minds.

A brain goes to a local bar

Poza publicata in [ Bar ]

A brain walks into a bar and says, Ill have a pint of beer please.

The barman looks at him and says Sorry, I cant serve you.

Why not? askes the brain.

Youre already out of your head.

Blonde Jokes

Poza publicata in [ Terms and definitions ]

Jokes that are short enough for a man to understand.

Like GST

Poza publicata in [ Blonde ]

Q: Why do blondes like the GST? (GST — Goods and Services Tax now
in effect in Canada)
A: Because they can spell it.

Q: What is 74 to a blonde?
A: 69 plus G. S. T.

What do you call a dog with no legs and steel testicles?

Poza publicata in [ Riddles ]