Letters to the President (crude)

Poza publicata in [ Political ]

Dear Bill:
As a fellow Southern Baptist, I can sympathize with your predicament. Although when I was president I merely lusted in my heart, I have to admit that had I served another term, my lust might have broken free and moved down my body. God bless you in this time of trial.
— Jimmy Carter

Dear Bill:
OK, so Ill never be president, but at least Donna Rice was a babe!
— Gary Hart

My Dear Chap:
This is a bit of a sticky wicket, but if I were you, I should ask that charming Jay Leno fellow to see you through. Pop onto his show, admit that you made an ass of yourself and all will be forgiven.
— Hugh Grant

They entrapped me, they framed me, they caught me in a motel with drugs and a prostitute, but I bounced back and so can you! Bitch done set us up!
— Mayor Marion Berry

Dear Bill:
Look at the bright side. At least you werent caught wearing Monicas thong underwear. By the way, did you catch my sports show? Im back on TV for the fall.
— Marv Albert

Dear Mr. President:
You may have noticed that Im not jumping on the impeachment bandwagon (note: this was written a week ago). Let me assure you, youre not the only one in Congress who thinks oral sex isnt really sex.
Warm personal regards,

Dear Bill:
Hang in there, pal! By the way, Kathie Lee sends Hillary her regards and invites her to come on her show anytime.
— Frank Gifford

Dear Mr. President:
Now Im on the Supreme Court. Im here for life! And theres nothing anyone can do about it! So there!
— Justice Clarence (Long Dong) Thomas

Dear Former Worthy Opponent:
Whoo, Boy! All I can say is, Bob Dole would never have gotten himself into this mess. Not Bob Dole! Not before Viagra, anyway!
— Bob Dole

Dear Mr. President:
I think its terrible what they are doing to you, and I want you to now that if you need to get away from it all, youre welcome to bring Buddy and stay with me on my Wonderland Ranch for as long as you want. Ill move the Cub Scout Pack to a tent on the lawn and you can have their room.
— Michael Jackson

Dear Fellow Sinner:
Jesus forgives you and so do I.
— Rev. Jimmy Swaggart

Dear Bill:
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
— Jim Baker
P.S. Jessica sends regards and wants to get together with you sometime.

Dear Bill:
Next time (if there is a next time), dont let them get you on tape. Big mistake!!
— With sympathy, Rob Lowe

Dear Bill:
If I survived wanting to be a tampon, you can survive the cigar bit. Things were grim for a while, but now it looks like I might actually manage to marry my darling Camilla, and someday Ill be King! Funny how life turns out. So keep a stiff upper lip! (And relax everything else, haha! And they say I dont have a sense of humor)
— HRH Charles Windsor, Prince of Wales

Dear Mr. President:
We invite you to be the cover subject of our next issue.
— The editors, Cigar Aficionado magazine

Everything Gone!

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

A man was complaining to a friend:

I had it all; money, a beautiful house, a big car, the love of a beautiful woman; then, Pow! it was all gone!

What happened? asked the friend.

My wife found out…

Ten Important Men In Womans Life

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

They are: Her Doctor; he says, Take your clothes off.

Her Dentist; he says, Open wide.

Her Veterinarian; he says, And how is your little pussy doing today?

Her Gardener; he says, Do you want me to mulch your bush?

Her Hairdresser; he says, Do you want it teased or blown?

Her Interior Decorator; he says, Youll like it once its in.

Her Hunter; he goes deep into the bush, shoots several times, and always eats what he shoots.

Her Remodeler; he says, It fits tongue-in-groove with a little hammering.

Her Milkman; he says, Do you want it in front or in back?

Her Banker; he says, If you take it out too soon, youll lose interest.

Work for Sean

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

Sean Connery has been quiet of late, having done no work in quite a while. So he decides to phone his agent and find out what sort of jobs are going. The agent says that hell make a few enquiries, but he isnt sure that there is much call for aging Scots actors, even of Seans stature.The next day, the agent calls back and says Sean, I have great news. I have found you a job. Its not great, but its a startWhat ish it? asks SeanIts an advertisement for television. The producer is keen to meet you. You have to be there for ten-ishTennish? says Sean But I dont have a racquet


Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

The crumbling, old church building needed remodeling, so the preacher made an impassioned appeal, looking directly at the richest man in town. At the end of the message, the rich man stood up and announced, Pastor, I will contribute $1,000.

Just then, plaster fell from the ceiling and struck the rich man on the shoulder. He promptly stood again and shouted, Pastor, I will increase my donation to $5,000.

Before he could sit back down, plaster fell on him again, and again he virtually screamed, Pastor, I will double my last pledge.

He sat down, and an larger chunk of plaster fell hitting him on the head. He stood once more and hollered, Pastor, I will give $20,000!

This prompted a deacon to shout, Hit him again, Lord! Hit him again!

My Turn

Poza publicata in [ General / Unsorted ]

James and his wife, Martha, are getting ready to leave home for a vacation.

Martha started out the door, then stopped, turned around, and said, James, this time you should go check to see if the coffee pot is off, television plugs are pulled, lamp timers are set, thermostat is adjusted, windows are closed and locked, burglar alarm is on, doors are locked, and Ill go wait in the car and keep blowing the horn.

The Musical Octopus

Poza publicata in [ Foul Language ]

A Guy goes into a bar and orders a beer, when the bartender brings his beer the Guy pays him and puts an octopus on the bar The Bartender tells him, get that thing out of here.

The Guy says, No, wait you dont understand. This is no ordinary octopus. This octopus can play any musical instrument you can think of.

The bartender says, Bullshit, no octopus can do that.

The Guy says, No, really Ill bet you one hundred dollars that you cant find a musical instrument he cant play.

The bartender says, OK youre on. Try the piano in the corner.

The Guy takes the octopus to the piano and it played like a pro. The bartender went into the back room and brought out a guitar.

The octopus played a song on it.

The bartender said, OK Im not done yet so he brings out three kinds of horns and a set of drums.

The octopus played them all.

The bartender said, Alright I have one more instrument to try before I give up. He goes in the back and comes out with a bagpipe, and sets it in the middle of the floor.

The octopus gets up on all eight legs and walks around it a couple of times then jumps on it. Then he walks around it a couple more times and jumps up and down on it a few more times.

The bartender says, There I knew I could find one he couldnt play.

The Guy said, Now just wait a minute Hell play it just as soon as he figures out he cant have sex with it.

There are more jokes like this at http://www.dirtylaughs.com

Un hombre recin divorciado, decide

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Un hombre recién divorciado, decide aventurar suerte en Las Vegas. Después de haber ganado una fortuna en el casino, sale a divertirse un poco, ve a una rubia preciosa, y decide invitarla a un trago a lo cual ella accede.

Luego de algunos tragos el hombre la invita a la habitación del hotel. A la media hora de conversación, el hombre le pregunta cuánto le cobra por hacerle la paja.

Por una paja yo cobro 5,000 dólares.

Pero eso es muy caro , ¿no crees?

¿Vez esta sortija de diamantes?, me la compré por las pajas que hago, verás que son las mejores.

El le da el dinero y comienzan. De pronto él le dice, Detente, espera, espera, esto me gusta; pero, ¿cuanto me cobrarías por una mamada?

Por mamada yo cobro 10,000 dólares.

Eso es caro ¿no crees?

Ven, acércate a la ventana y mira, ¿ves un Mercedes Benz nuevo, rojo, convertible? Pues me lo gano por mis mamadas.

No importa lo que cueste, ándale comienza.

Luego de un rato él le dice…

Detente, detente, que casi me vengo. Dime cuanto me cobras por el chochito…

¡Si yo tuviera chochito, sería la duena de Las Vegas!

Dos argentinas quedan en pana

Poza publicata in [ Chistes chistosos ]

Dos argentinas quedan en pana en la carretera austral de Chile, lugar absolutamente desolado, cuando por esas casualidades de la vida se encuentran con dos huasitos. El diálogo es el siguiente:

¡Che viste!, nuestro carro sufrió un desperfecto y no sabemos como repararlo, sería posible que nos ayudaran. Haríamos cualquier cosa para pagarles este favor.

Los huasitos quedan pensando un momento y al ver a las esculturales argentinas les dicen:

Bueno pues, señoritas, ustedes se suben la faldita, se bajan los calzoncitos y nosotros hacemos el resto pue…

¡Pero che, responden las argentinas, eso no es ningún problema viste, es más, lo hacemos con mucho gusto. Pero eso sí, van a tener que usar estos preservativos (condones) para que nosotras no quedemos embarazadas, viste!

Los huasitos aceptan la proposición, sin tener idea de lo que estaban usando. Luego , los campesinos ayudaron a las argentinas con su auto.

Al cabo de dos meses, se vuelven a encontrar los campesinos en el mismo lugar donde habían ayudado a las argentinas.

Oye Lucho, te acordai de las argentinas, estaban harto ricas las yeguas.

Sí Pedro, teni toda la razón.

Oye Lucho, a vos te interesa que las argentinas queden embarazadas.

No Pedro, no me interesa.

Entonces Lucho, ¡porque no nos sacamos de una vez, esta bolsa plástica del pico!

The Clinton Years

Poza publicata in [ Political ]

After much arguing and deliberation, historians have come up with a phrase to describe the Clinton Era. It will be called SEX BETWEEN THE BUSHES.